-HOW I LAV MKItOMNTOftl.reiV HIGH UTt BKLOW NT A I ICS. die with bar bab. Huru wM the m4 4 0UAJ4TLI MEtTUm iTI'ttOlHD, It has the regulation thirteen red and bite strilHM. but oulr thirteen slara In ending of I ha life of Minnie Warmn laks Side Fire Arms Man'f Co. (The WUI.Il ya lb I Mluwlbg f.1lah Mall, Tltalr Dull, riMjar, uur of Mrs, Tom Thumb, who bad mhd mm in at iiwi uitww Lrjr ktoaavo WMMHla Arm aarvllar.
iUblue fields. It was preMintod by Mrs. I'eiuingill and other trltio wo men Baltimore a few days before the DiairUd MJ. eolL ltolh had brwQ ibibiUhl by Mr. liamuni as dwarf, la England there as much in the rank of the) several servaut fuller CaUaal Max a af Nwti mt Mar.
Srra mm4 IriwlMala It as the practice of the authorities op to the time of tho murder of Mr. Biggs take a eat of the beads and faous of criminal after execution. Our MlTicts (U Miiu 0NSALE but Ilia Major arrow Ui be 0 ftx-t bombardment of rort Mellenry, on aa there is between their different em lilnvnra. aavi Ilia New York Jmmtjtl lixiKht, and A4 ItU contract with liaruum ralto! for a dwarf and not a nepuiiuuer it. IBM.
Lieut. -td. (ieorga Arniiutead. crrandfathnr of Mr. The auUieritt of tho servant' dei'srt (limit, hi incrao in atatiire UiA tho UridiiPiiort aleitriiiiti) U) cancel the on guide commenced Ui tour of the prloii with an exhibition of a cupboard full of these memorial.
It was a ghantly nient when there is no house steward is Ilia butler. The ret of the limioahold C3 UARKXT BT CBICAOO, lib Smith tc WtMwoa FatUra, 51 els shell eitrtctlnf Double action, 1M Double action, Mad el Um naWlaJ. la Um bed pesflble Baa Mr. ttrsry arm warraal4. Air af tbe abe ol O.
O. 0. er exantf KHtft'Uixiit. Tho Major wm hut before AppleUm, and who at that time was in command the gsrriaun, numbering shout 1,000. The Hag was flown over the fort on the night when Francis Heoft Key walked ui and down the address Win at "mUter" and ha pre- the publw a a roller akater and jig MTvtw oraer among me men ana exer miow oi learnii countenances, low fore-heads, large brutal mouth, full necks, strong jaw, and weak, broad chins and uaiirer on nicu At a irofe.
cim authority over all. imial dwarf ho may bo said to have got PRINCIPAL POINTS decks or tho cattle ship Minden, waUih narrow, and beneath them all the marks mg me ooinuaniiiient. The houokeeHr is the head of the women servants and she to No dwarf.lu Cmmodro Foote'a oiiiii' of the mpo which bad strangled them. After the bombardment and the the maids under her control. As a rule.
ion, haa atiret4 publlo attention so hen in this fahiin the criminal counte practical defeat of the iSritinh fleet a EAST, WEST. nil riiif of sitaiiaiUoa bafor partaf iinieh a areriaiu I'tdinh Bent Ionian WM4, WW 4f it UI Km lbaeuiHI)'a Si, karlug tigtil lu tuy ll 4iu liiiuucu i im UiM of nfsiit. At llw laiualiu' uu liUU. 0 um irn it, ilMkir fellvui i-ilawui A I broat Go my cbiMltuwJ mn Nu I)' ui duu to ic Ily aluf 11m lil4taurvlll In III doug-lia tif yitiuU fv uiiiftaly ii daat'liitf rill mU. lu muttiitiM iuUid)r, 1 tmuurn way tm luiaiug turn? lu iImunwvuu di ir UcwfiJ Xiw tiii Uo iii Ju' njr llw bnii aujr oul be KM lb atari mi fe I tlueiM rraJIxl imaf Slmlier, ti.
Infancy lauitbi uit Ill 10 rf. 2lf mH airii liitdr guar lu iliu luurly iiwjuuiaiu tiraka, um b-e. Hati.ir, ilrr, -11 1 abuuM Jw ImI Finlr inn lu fll.kwiiii light, A.earheiiilivr fthittly dij plaimmlv llw I lrj uu-lii, rill ineairwlm aJUnulug eriet, Or? iu lby amm la cry Vow may aw. Low I ll.i. -11 I aliouliI.lt, 1 praj lb lord uijr auul to take.
Sow lar in down to alp, 1 ftv tb lvnl my mil to beepi If 1 should die b. 1 wk. 1 pray ill Lord uir aoul to laka. silver puuoh bowl and a dozen silver a digiiiiied woman of a certain (or rather uncertain) age, she takes the onus of nance were no doubt com-idersbly di counted, but not so serioUHlr aa a carl railed Count jiowrofanki. He was oc- goblou wero presented to CoL Arm the detail work of tho mistress hands couiiUhU one of tho wonders of the world caiiirini or some or our pulilio men NORTH and SOUTH and sees that all orders are carried out.
would have us believe. How certain stead br tho city of lloltiinrre. Tho punch bowl is of the shajni of a bombshell, and the goblets represent powder for hi amollne of stature combined with bifid intellect. He ws born in when no housekoeiwr is kent the cook is the female head of the servants' de JLT and lived nntil 18.17. uurroia.
i ne nna has uiion one or It the hilling lights of the day might look, Mhorn of their hair, and in prison droits, offer a temptation to any artist who is opKmd iu Hilitic to the man partment aud takes tho place of the ttries, in CoL Arnnttead's writing, his dying at tho patriarchal age of t'rt, Whin 1 year old ho was 14 TEQUILA TONIC housekeeper. name, title, and the data of the bm bardment. The fluff foil to the Col Ihe servants are divived into two THEU.M0X PACIFIC B. TL inches in height; at II, 17 inches; at 10, he is drawing, but he would have to give IS AN CNTAILINO REMEDY fOB onels widow by inheritance, who. at 21 inches; at 1.
25 iuchea; at 20, 2d inches; at 25, 35 inchen, and he never uiu hi luuerum imagination match the countenance in the Ward Tha Only Una 0nrvlnj the United (Trades the uper and lower. The up- 1er strata include tho Louse steward or Hitler, or both; tho liousekeeiwr, or if her death, loft it to her daughter, Mrs. DTspepsIs. Indigestion, low spirits, sren- tatee Overland Mall. er's cupboard at Newgate.
I could not niiiiam otiiari Hamilton, who tu none, no cook; and the ladies' maids. grew beyond that height, but naturally, in old k'0. even became more dwartlnh. lie viaited England in 1770, and was ac uoip ininmng mat Jtranz Muller was Quick. aafWt snjl tmt rout East, Wast, Nona.
maA HuulK. On I iu hmp Ia born at Fort McHcnry some time after hen the housekeeper is kent the cook something like but let us not be per mo siege. Oil, eonaaoilM tbra wiia (nun awt, aorta aadaonih, makliK unlelur da Man sar Xhm generally belongs to the lower level. soiiai. counted a great curiosity, for even learned men were pleased with hU so Burled Cities of America.
root from Janebon Clu. and is the head of that division, A valet This is tho head of Martha Brown era! debility, muscular weakness, nerr. ous exhaustion, loss of muscular power, tremulonancss, sleeplessness, neuralgia, dizziness, malarial toison, eta. It prerentatiTe of tbe evil efforts of men tal or physical orerrork, eztremeaof temperature, tbe inordinate use of spirituous liquors, high living, rtnereai ez- Recent explorations in Cuntral Amur. belongs to the upper house.
ciety, as ho displayed great powers of Tbi ia laa oal dlraul rout to Daw. Ball Lak. Han Pranelaoo o4 ail point mat northwaat. Onlj alxun boar to l)n by li4 ing, who murdered hor mistress, you will remember, in Park lano; killed her A DWARF ON DWARFS. ica and Southern Mexico nro far to con- in the lower house, or tli4 house of thought and was nu accomplished iwvauir imam umtio wnneuaa tiir i J) ti firm the belief held by many arehieolo- commons as it mar be called, are the scholar.
in. and 1 il hp lim bl boon aa m. nrvn for the sake or some bank notes, which, when she got them, turned out to be on ('liforai and than nlluk. I i n. cook, housemaids, kitchen maids, foot Liongovitr in dwarfs is met with so gnu iiiai America is extremely old.
In the State of Chiapas a fine, brood To lun aud bj an? I004 lias ia lbs men, eoachman, and grooms. The hue 4 Book on Diminutive Tenons Writ ton by a Very Small Man. IU. the Bank of Elegance. This (tapping the grim bust with a curious familiarity) frequently as to suggest that their span of life bears a sort of inverse relation to All between the two erodes is as strictly paveci roau, built bv prehwtono inhabl ar trains at and wort eonnaet at rltb train on Ui Uln VaU Hmnih annul Ian drawn as between tho lower and upper lsrranz Muller who murdered Mr.
their height Richard Gibson, miniature tants, has been traced from Tonala down into Guatemala, and thonce in a to Nftbrwka and norUxra Itoa ol tii Umua fuifis, Hnrlinnoa Miaaouri. we. Ur trains cesses, change of life, want of exercise, etc It gives strength and vigor to tbe digestive organs, takes away tbe tired, sleepy, listless fooling, giving a new and keen zest to tbe jaded appetite, strengthening and invigorating the entire bumnn svstem. classes. Briggs, and, after denying hia guilt al painter and Court dwarf to Charles "A Hintory of Dwarf by One of Their uaasct wiih ihrouh iirw to Omaha.
The upper servants take all their ived to le to, and his dwarf wifo, Annie curve up again into Mexico, terminating at Palenque. most to the last, confessed it in a con vernation with his Lutheran Driest number won I a be uoveltv in litcra meals, excepting dinner, in a special room, which usually goes bv the name Shopherd, to be H5. Sir UeofTrcv Hudson, dwarf and diplomatist in Charles ture, and odd as it mar appear, just UUMJLX, (no. FaM Tick Aft. Omaha, Nebraska.
COPLEY, Station Agent, Junction Citr, HinsM, This is Green acre, who cut the body oi his victim up in pieces and hid them in All along this rood are still to be seen the remains of ruined cities, and a care lucu book in bfiiiff prepared for tlie of the "stewards room." The lower LL, expired at CI, and tho littlo gentle TauciL. TOXIO EX POUT 130 yrMklla Chloaf 111. ful estimate of the one time nonnlation servants eat all their meals in the various parts of the town. Greenacre's was a tell-tale mask a press liere iu Fort Wnrne, writes V. 1, Cooper, Fort Wayne, Itul, correspond' ent of the St.
LuU sen-ants' ball, excepting tea, which the oi tuese places is about thirty millions. On that part of the road near Palen man life was shortened by his incarceration on suspicion of connivance in a treasonable plot in the Gate House at Westminster, where he died. Mai. low forehead of the worst form, and maids eat in the "stillroom. The hihtoriitn stands three feet and thin, wide mouth, that had the "down que the rums are of great magnitude.
In ninetv-nine houses out of a hun Houses four, and often five stories hirli ward drag," stiff and cruol. A good Stephens, an American dwarf, first appeared before the public over forty have been found iu the depths of the dred all the sen-ants eat their meat for dinner in the servants' hall. Tho lower servants assemble promptly on the three inches in hiit miniature boots, and for over a quarter of a century has been before the public in a professional way, lie has exhibited in every city and town lorcsi. thing for sonio of us that we do not shave I Do you remember the mustache movement? It was orobably started MIL1C years ago. lie died at the advanced age of GO years.
Many of these houses are pyramidal form, and so covered are some of nra CENTS FEB QUART. stroke of the clock and stand at their places at the table. The upper servants 1 lie most famous of modern dwarfs oi the lana, lias traveled much abroad, has been patronized bv rovaltr and en meet in the steward room, the head by some interested person who did not care to go about with hi wicked month exposed to the general gaze. Leech did some of his most characteristic joyed an acquaintance with people of were the littlo people that P. T.
Bar-num long exhibited Charles S. Strat- them with vegetable mold that large trees are growing from the roofs. In some of the houses employment has been made of stone beams of tre domestic leads the way and they troop into the servants' hall. The lower ser on, better known as Gen. Tom Thumb.
who was born in 1837, and died July sketches in Punch during that curioui period. I was visiting at a little provin mendous weicht. and the architecture vants remain standing until the upper are seated, when the formor sit down themselves. 5, 1883; Lavina Warren, who married cial town in those days, where the lead bister, Minnie Warren, No conversation is allowed while the ho was the wife of Mai. E.
Newell, indicates a high degree of science. Iu some of the houses visited, bronze lamps hove been discovered, and the interior and exterior decorations of the ing draper of tho place had been hooted and called "Frenchy," and pelted and George Washington Morrison Nutt, joint is being discussed. When the of Manchester, N. better known as meat course is finished the whole table for coming back after a holiday with beard and mustache. And I remember umLiiii-iiuu, uumiuu ui me worm oi jiui put, that peculiaily tit him for the task he has undertaken.
Moreover the little gentleman a dwarf in the physical sense of the word; his intellect is well developed, he is a constant reader, well iu formed on current topics, can hold his own in a discussion on political, religious or scientific themes, sneaks three languages perfectly, and in his extensive travels has, by keeping his eyes and ears well open, contrived to inform himself to a degree quite surprising. Seated in the library of his luxuriantly furnished Lome, Charles V. Xestel, Commodore Nutt, who was born April more important houses consist of panel-ings, filled with elaborately carved 'l I rises, the upper servants march ont in the strict order of precedence they DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE! as a boy that the records of the Burke I Delivered to any part ol the city. 1845, and died in New York City May 1881. From the exhibition of these murderers were still used as Bogey by BETWEEN entered, ana aiourned to the steward nurse maids whose charges would not little people the shrewd showman made room, where they enjoy the puddinar HAKES TWO TBirS DAILY.
an immense amount of money, and advertised them as dwarfs were never ad ana tne aessert. lho lower servants regale themselves on cheese, and both HANNIBAL. SEDALIA. FT. SCOTT, ARSON 8, DENISON, DALLAS.
COR8ICANA, HOUSTON, OALVK8TON, FT. WORTH, WACO, AUSTIN and SAN ANTONIO. vertised before. In Barnum's book the can then talk to their hearts content. Keep close to their apron strings.
The fear of being "Burked" was a lively one for many a long year after Burke wa hanged at Edinburg and Bishop and Williams at Newgate. "These are the heads of Bishop and In the steward's room strict orders of fact that he long exhibited a spurious precedence is observed. The bntler PULLMAN sits at the head of the table and the PARSONS, llliams, said our guide, pointing to figures, almost life size, two types of men and women being represented, some plainly Egyptian and others genuine Africans. In front of one of the houses the explorers found fourteen sculptured gods with folded arms. Another discovery was that an enormous paved road extends from Palenque across Yucatan to the Island of Cozu-mel, and is oontinuod on the jsland.
Palenque explorers assert that they have discovered in the edifices before mentioned, examples of a perfect arch. One explorer is a scientifically trained man, who has recently arrived from India, and by his account the region Buffet Sleeping Oars, from housekeeper or cook at the bottom. particularly ugly couple; "they mur uany as the offspring of lien, and Mrs. Tom Thumb is carefully ignored, but is nevertheless a matter of general notoriety. The babe was procured at a fondlings' home, but it persisted in out growing its usefulness, and profes CARRIAGE FAITK AND TKIMHEB, lsitors servants take rank according known to the public as Commodore Foote, chatted pleasantly to the Globe-Democrat correspondent about his book, running over as he did so his notes and some advance sheets from the publisher, which lay on the little table before him.
At his elbow sat his pretty sister Eliza, called the "Fairy Queen a merry little elf of the exact height of St. Louis, Kansas City, and Sedalla to Texaa Polnta. dered a little Italian boy and offered to tne ranic oi their master and mistress. Has rested the second story of C. P.
blackniltli bop, and is prepared to The table of precedence, as laid down by Burke, is more steadily observed the corspe at King's College for twelve guineas; they were body snatchers. And this is Mrs. Brownrigg, who used GEO. IDDT A H. O.
CROSS, Receivers. (its bis customers tbe benellt o( (orty-flve rears experleuce la carriage paintlug and trimming. sional existence was a short one. After the death of Gen. Tom Thumb, the widow was married to Count Primo Mogri, an Italian midget, in New York to take little girls as apprentices and down-stairs than it is up-stairs.
The maid of the lady taken in to dinner by the master of the house is taken iu to supper by the butler, the rest following ner orotuer, ana liis intelligent co-la borer in all his undertakings, prompt then murder them that was in 183. "Do you notice that some of the masks have open eyes?" asked the bar J. WALDO. CASTAS JIESMER, tien'l Pass. 1 Tk't Agt.
ing the Commodore by apt suggestions Ken. Traffic Man'gr. from Chiapa to Yucatan must have been the seat of a densely populous na rister. oi nnu-iorgotten lact, anecdote or reminiscence, smilingly excusing her SEDALIA, Yes, and they remind me of the line in liKe order. A visitor's footman consorts with the lower division, but if he is dignified by the name of valet, or is the butler, he is tion.
Possibly it mnv never be known who little interruptions with the remark that Cilcag, Milwauiee 4 St. PanlMwar. in Poe 'His eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming. Lon don Sunday Times. these strange people were, as they have apparently left no literature behind them.
But in the light of the discov THE eries in Egvpt, deduced from hiero An Old War-Horse. There is living at Hamburtr, N. iiicAGO, Santa Fe Caufornu (Jity, April 6, 1885. The second husband has a dwarf brother known as Baron Littlefinger. The smallest dwarf of which there is any account is now before the public.
Her name is Luzie Zarate, a Mexican. She is exhibited by her father, a man of more than ordinary development. She is 21 years old, weighs nine and three-fourths pounds, and stands about twenty-four inches in height. This bit of humanity is not pretty or is she strikingly intelligent. However, her memory for faces is so surprising that after once conversing with a person his face is at once recalled wherever and whenever met with.
She is a little chatterbox, and loves to be the center of a curious throng of people. For the hanor of being the smallest glyphics, and the history of Babylon aud Nineveh we have gleaned from the cuneiform bricks, it is not bevond RAILWAY. probability that we may some day know the history of this extinct race. It will be very interesting reading, beyond a doubt fambauitI Af' 2 yMomxauol ag3 SANTA FE ROUTE, now malting as fast time between KANSAS CITY TO CHICAGO as akt or its ooitpirrroBa, (letting Even with the Condemned. Nearly a score of years ago, when I was a reporter on a St.
Louis daily, an atrocious murder was committed in a locality about two hundred miles away. A farmer killed his wife, mother, and of men there are many claimants, but the palm belongs to F. Flynn, better known as Gen. Mite. He comes from hear the New York State line, a horse foaled in 1856 and having a remarkable history.
The horse is of blue blood, his sire being Eysdyk's Hamble-tonian and his dam a Harry Clay mare. When the late Col. Samuel Fowler, who was the founder of Port Jan-is, entered the field in the war of the rebellion, in 1862 at the head of the Fifteenth New Jersey volunteers some oi his friends presented him with the horse, which, under the name of Best-less, was already celebrated for style and speed as a war charger. CoL Fowler rode the charger through the battle of two hard-fought campaigns and until he was stricken with the disease which withdrew him from the service and shortly after ended his life. When CoL Fowler left the field Best-less passed into the hands of the chaplain of the regiment, the Bev.
A. A. Haines, who rode the horse in the discharge of the duties pertaining to his HANDSOMEST TRAIN housed in the steward room and enjoys pudding every day, which the lower set only got twic a week. Upper servants are particular how they address each other, the prefix Miss, and Mr. being always de rigueur.
The wages in England are not what they are here. A butler gets 50 a year; a cook, 30 to 40; a ladv's maid, 20 to 30; footmen receive 18 to 25; housemaids, 10 to 20; the kitchen maids, 8 to 12. A coachman gets from 30 to 50; grooms, 20 to 30, and strappers, 12 to 20, according to age. A head-gardener from 70 to 150 and house and coals, and under-mon from 15 shillings to 1 a week and they feed themselves. Head game-keepers receive about 70 to 100 with a house provided and under game-keepers about the same as nnder-gardeuers.
All house servants, however, in addition to the above scale, get "beer and washing money." The upper servants get 2s to 3s 6d per week for beer and from 18d to 3s for washing money. The lo ver servants get about half those rates, the lowest being Is a week for beer and Is for washing. Of course a big estate has a pay-roll as long as that of a factory. The head man is the agent, who has entire control of the property. Next to him is the baliff, who looks after the home, farm, and the cattle.
The others are brother, and then coolly sat down on IN THE WORLD ureene, iN. 1., and stands a little over two feet in height. His weight is but Leaves Union Depot, Kansas City, ererj day at 6:45 P. M. Ia the Santa Fe Route, the doorsteps and waited to be arrested.
He admitted his crime, explained his reasons, and in due course of time was convicted and sentenced to be hanged. A few days previous to the date of execution we got a sly pointer that the murderer was going to make a statement or confession of startling interest, and the city editor bundled me off in a hurry to get a "scoop." "I found the Sheriff a very good-natured man, and very soon after my arrival I was per nine pounds. Scarce larger than this speck of humanity is Maj. Atom, of New York City. He is a nephew of Admiral Dot, the clever little singer and dancer, handsomest of all dwarfs, who was discovered by Barn urn in California, and who was for several years an attraction in his tent-show.
Atom and Dot are Hebrews. The Little German Rose is also from California, and is a Jewess. Tot Chica-o and eastern cities. This train is tbe Pullman Vestibule Express that has created to much talk amunir trarelera. and is reooanisea For tickets, time-tabl.
or any information is regard to the line, apply to aar ticket agent cl office until the close of the war. Altogether liestless participated in tie umoago, niiTauase a oi. ram nauwar, oi oennecting lines in the Sou i went, or to rlighlaad. General Agent, 800 Delaware Kan. ns City.
afo. Beside the Nestels, Charles and mitted to see the condemned. I ex by all tbe completes safest ana moat com. fortablo train in toe world. EJIMON'S BLAINE.
J. J. BYRNE, Gen'l Pas. Agent Asst. Gen'l Pass.
Agt H. A BONN, (Test. Pass. Agent, 812 Main St Kansas City. over thirty battles and skirmishes, in' eluding the engagements at Peters the Commodore is gettiug.
quite old, you know." Mr. Xestel was born in Fort Wayne forty-two years ago, and Miss Eliza is ten years liis junior. He weighs about fifty pounds and is about the size of a child four years old. Both parents are living and are unusually large people. Mr.
Kestel's occupation was that of a blacksmith, and such he would probably have remained but for the accident of birth that made his two children so attractive as to win for himself and them comfortable fortunes, which they enjoy in a sensible manner. The Commodore wears an elegant gold medal which he received at the Convention of Little People, held at Washington, D. in November, 1862, for being the smallest and best educated little man of all those present. Their private rooms would readily be mistaken for the play houses of pampered children. In each is a tiny bed, a diminutive dresser, and chairs and other articles of furniture that would well become animated dolls.
The miniature furnishings is even carried out in the equipment of the stable and carriage house, where are found in little stalls a pair of dainty Calcutta ponies, together with a chase and road wagon of miniature proportions, in which the little pair spend an hour or two on fair days. It takes six yards of silk to make for Miss Eliza an elaborate dress, cut en train. Her tiny shoes are made in Baltimore, her gloves in Milwaukee and her corsets in New York. She is a fashionable and tasty dresser, and, being of shapely figure and pretty face as well as a sparkling conversationalist, she is an especial favorite at many social gatherings in the city, where, by reason of her long residence, the curiosity of her small stature is quite lost sight of. "For several years after I had ceased to grow," said the Commodore, "and, indeed, after my education hai been well reputation as a dwarf was scarcely more than local.
At that time I began to attract public attention and was sought out and engaged by an enterprising showman, the late Col. Ellinger, who paid my father so large a compensation for the privilege of exhibiting me that his eyes opened in amazement. When Eliza had lived two years and had developed as other children do, she. too, suddenly ceased growing, and in time was added to Col. Ellinger's show, in which we sang, danced in costume and gave sketches of Irish, Dutch, and Yankee comedy.
CoL Ellinger plained why I had come, and he replied lioswiix Miixkb, A. T. H. Cunirm, Oemral Manager. Chn'l Pau Tk't Agt, J.
V. irjoKSB. Geo. H. Hsirrosa, dtt't Gen'l Afanoow.
AuH Pau Tk't Ajt, burg, Fredericksburg, Winchester, the Wilderness, and Gettysbnrg, and he carries the scar of a wound received in les, I am going to make a state ment but how do I know you are what under men of different kinds. the last-named battle. Since the wai ended Chaplain Haines has kept the veteran charger on his farm at Ham I UnC R'o Peeos Taney. LAIILIiJla Soutbsaswrn Mew Mexico. Cbolea lima.
burg and five years ago he retired the IRRIGATED I itoDe soil; abu tnuMkoiw Eliza, extreme smallness of stature is found in more than one member of numerous other families. Commodore Nutt had a dwarf brother, called Maj. Bodney Nutt. He is neither handsome nor otherwise attractive. The Italian midgets Jean Petit and Piccalomi are brothers.
They first appeared in America in 18C9, and made some reputation and money as clever performers. They have returned to Italy, and are not now exhibiting. Thomas Bonham and his two sisters are Lilliputians of fine education and reside in Pennsylvania. They decline to go upon exhibition, scorning to be ranked as freaks. The Walters dwarf family were resi abundanc of our water: aSvllsht old horse honorably from all work.
WILLIAM j. smr.TTO, At 33 years old Bestless is in comparatively good condition and promises tr you represent "Here is my card." "But that won't go. Any one can print what he likes on a card. I want a certificate from the paper." I telegraphed to the city editor, and he telegraphed me back a "character," but the prisoner shook his head and said: "I can't take anything of that sort. I want a written certificate." It took me two days to get it, and I Ml ll tb year: almost eontlnnons son.
tbioe; altltade 3.600 fet; hmlthle( Isealltr lav tb D. 8 no oonaumption, no malaria. vcrs will yield a competency. Writ for parttouttra, naming this paper, to IrHMtl tauaoal C. SA Monroe hlaee III S-C7CCEESS02 Niceties of the English Language.
Without grammar our language, says London Tid Bils, would not be available at all. We recently met this sentence: "If fresh, milk does not agree with a child, boil it." Which? The milk or the child? To prevent a stupid, matter-of-fact nurse making a mistake and committing murder, we must be tautological, and write, "If fresh milk does not agree with a child, boil the milk." Carrying out orders too literally is sometimes unpleasant, as a friend of live some time yet. He is Turning White. Bev. Thomas Cole, pastor of the Music and Sewing Macbine East Dallas Street M.
E. Church at Houston, is in the city attending the dents of Virginia. Maj. Hiram Walters was in a sweat all the time for fear some other paper would get onto the colored Sunday Bchool convention, says the Galveston News. Bev.
Mr. Cole ie BUSINESS OP case. I lost no time in getting up to Volz Brothers was born April 26, 1810, and was three feet six inches talL Capt. William Walters was born on April 18, 1824, and was three feet seven inches iu height. tne jail with the paper, and the con the victim of a very peculiar freak oi nature, and from being a black man if J3.
7. Pierce Go. demned read it carefully, and then ob rapidly turning white. He says the Keep Constantly on hand sv large: Miss Boxana Walters was born Dec. 25, change began to first manifest itself in supply of Established llTl.
Eight years exeerlsass. 1815, and was a trine over three feet in 1883, when he was working for the late Dr. McClanahan of this city. It first appeared in a little white spot on his height. Miss Kate Walters was born July 20, 1818, and is about the height of Boxana.
wrist. Since then the white surface Two of the prettiest and most exquis ice Oregon, the Paradise of Farmer. iHVUlW ite little ladies who have ever been exhibited are the Adam sisters, Lucy and has begun to enlarge and spread all over his body in spots of various dimensions, from seven inches in length tc three or four inches in width down to MKd, equable climate, certain and abundant cro)8. Best fruit, grain, grass and Sadie. Their home is Martha me- Of All Kinds.
yard, Mass. Charles Bise and his two stock country in the world, ull information free. Address tbe Oregon Immigration Board, Portland, Oregon. spots not larger than the circumference sisters known as the German midgets of a large size bird shot. He says hie ours once discovered, when, having told her footmen, who was a model of obedience, that when Mrs.
Brown and her daughter, a grown up young lady, called, he was to carry them up into the drawing-room. Mrs. Brown's dismay may be imagined when, asking for her hostess, she was caught up by the stalwart at-attendant, and, in spite of her remonstrances and kicking, carried safely upstairs and before her astonished mistress. The historian does not relate how the other lady got up. Davidge tells a story of a somewhat obtuse actor who performed the character of a dumb boy.
The stage directions are "Enter Hugo, who advances to the king, shakes his head, and kneels." To the horror of the stage-manager, and the amusement of the audience, the actor advanced to the king, caught him by the ears, shook the king's head vigorously, and then sank on his knees before assaulted majesty. Which anecdote, by the way does not say much for the system of conducting rehearsals at that particular theater. Beef, Cams, Veal. Fish, Mutton, Lard, Pork, Smoked Meatay CORNED MEATS. UNIVERSAL MTS.a rCOV jj fun All 5a wire wmmml.
-V are still on exhibition. The Murray triplets John, Joseph and James were celebrated Liliputian attractions. They were born in New York in 1863. Dollie Dutton was a school teacher, and afterwards a member of the Dntton Children Lilipntians. The little lady has become insane and is now in a madhouse at Natick, Mass.
CoL Speck, of New York State, is a successful business man at- Moravia. Gen. Joseph Totman, of Maine, is a prosperous merchant, he is 25 years old and stands three feet four inches in height. The list of little people who earn their living off the stage might be considerably extended. Commodore Foote has been at pains to collect interesting facts pertaining to all little people, and the forthcoming book will be conspicuous as the first and only elaborate published accounts of their lives.
served "I am now quite satisfied that you are all right." "And now for the statement," I replied, getting out paper and pencil. "Well, you can say that after mature reflection I have decided to declare that I am innocent of the murder of which I have been convicted." "But but you "That's the statement, air, and that's all. I claim to be an innocent man. Good night." I had been badly sold. That was the sum and substance of the sensation, and indeed all he would say.
Three Crazes. Who of us is so forgetful that he cannot recall the blue glass craze? It was contemporary news with the frolicsome planchette. It would be difficult to say which provided the most amusement. The chief difference was that Gen. Pleasonton's idea seemed to borrow from heaven; it was of the heavens, heavenly.
All vegetation was susceptible to the cerulean call the general made. It was as wonderful, what he could do with a gooseberry patch, as the diablerie of planchette, that made husbands hesitate twice before they permitted planchette to tell where they had been so late out o' nights. It was a harmless craze after all, and so we dismissed both of them. Another and more stupendous humbug has struck the country, but brief as its day has been, and it is almost over, it baa wrought more evil in an hour than any eraze that has occupied valuable space in our public prints. In the hands of impetuous, indiscreet and callow M.
Ds, the elixir craze threatens to be a vast evil FUUburg Bulletin. CUTS, AND C0MMOH flISEAStS h-. ai 11 4I Tt kr or a IT JMF V. Our Manager, Mr. 4.
H. Winner, Is prepared to buy HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW, For which he will pay THE HIGHEST MAJtKET PRICf, sspsotfully, VOLZ BROTHERS body is striped like a zebra. His hands are nearer white than black, and his face is beginning to turn, making him a very conspicuous object. He being naturally very black in color, the contrast is all the more striking. As he is attracting a good deal of public attention, and being avoided as a leper, he called at the A'ete office last night to ask that the statement be made that his physical peculiarity is the result of a freak of nature, and not caused by any disease.
He has always been perfectly healthy and has never suffered the least physical inconvenience of this peculiar freak that nature is playing upon him. Ifot That Kind of a Stocking. One of our exchanges speaks of a millinery store kept by a very estimable lady, and says the editor "was gratified to see her stocking up." The editor says he was never so astonished in his born days as he was, when the paper came out, to meet the millinery lady and have her strike him across the brow with an umbrella and tell him he was a liar that she would tell his wife. He -K, tvmrr tu- ro. paid my father $400 a week.
The compensation for dwarfs in those days was very liberal, but the number of little people has increased so surprisingly that our earnings have been greatly reduced. There are at the present time over sixty little people on and off exhibition in America. I mean persons small enough to be classed as dwarfs. The little people professionally traveling in all of Europe number less than twenty. In my book the queer marriages of dwarfs and their family relations will be of much interest, I hope, because the facts have not been generally known and have never been collected for publication.
Many little ladies have married men of the usual physical development and many male dwarfs are yoked to women of normal size. These marriages are often mere business alliances. A lady dwarf may marry her manager and a male dwarf has often ensnared the affections of a lady who might have been expected to demand at least an equal amount of physiqae in her life companion. "It is a fact that no female dwarf has ever borne a child, maternity inevitably proving fatal to both mother and babe. The theory is that dwarfs are not smaller than other infants at birth, and their midget mother are incapable of bringing tlvun forth.
The mother always arK.V,auBrnY,lltii? 5j The Flag They Quarrel Abent. The flog which inspired Francis Scott Key to write the "Star Spangled Banner," and which its present owner, Mr. Eben Appleton of this city, refuses to lend to the people of Baltimore to be displayed on the ramparts of Fort Mo-Henry from September 10 to 14, when the anniversary of the bombardment of the fort is to be celebrated, was made by Mrs. Mary PettengilL one of Baltimore's patriotic women. She used 400 yards of bunting in its manufacture.
The flag was originally forty feet long and twenty-nine feet wide, but it is now considerably smaller, having been whipped out on the edges by the wind. N. FREEMAN, Flour, Feed and Groceries, One for His Honor. A sarcastic lawyer, during the trial of a case, made use of the expression, "Cast not your pearls before swine." Subsequently, as he arose to make the argument, the Judge facetiously remarked, "Be careful, Mr. 8., not to cast your pearls before swine." "Don't be alarmed, your Honor, I am about to address the jury, not tho court.
Irish Tim, didn't know what she was mad at, and 8 tore on Serena str Country produce talced in exchange for goods Junction (jity, Kansas. Baled haj specialty. he had to read the item over a hundred times to see if there was anything spiteful in it, Bed Bluff Sentinel..