The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


ftcriff Salts. ianatnafcei's Hiram Tate Is Allowed $20 for His Charge That Dominion Annexationists Are In Washington. MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE Dead Horse. The directors of the Street and Sewer De HOW HE GOT OUT Off DOVER JAIL AND WHEKE HE WENT. COMMITTEE.

Toroxto, Out, Jan. 21. The Globe to-day publishes tne following sensational report from Washington: FBiI.ajHKJ'HI.s'. Tuesday. Jan.

21, 10. TWENTY-SECOND DAY. January Serial Sale. of to me di rented, will he exposed to public sale at the Conrt House on Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, in the city of Wilmington, New Castle county, letM OX SATURDAY, THE 25tii DAY OF JAXCAUY, 1M0, At o'clock, p. partment met in regular session last evening.

Director Murray was absent. The weekly The Court of Errors and Appeals May pay roil of $261.49 was approved and ordered id. City Auditor John ftl. Jewell reported Runnins for Liberty In Virginia He Falls In a Ditch and Injures HimselfHe Was Aided By His Wife and Friends. collections for liens amounting to J4s.j:.

Give Its Decision la the Krles.leben Case To-day Some Politics and Matters of Personal Sote. Hiram iate, the old colored man whose horse was killed at Front and King streets re Bear in mind that maybe The following described real estate, Tiz: AH that certain lot of land and two and a half story frame dwelling thereon, sit oat in the city of Wilmington, bounded and described a follows. cently by falling over a displaced gutter plate. nne in ten of the special bar- was allowed 520 damages for the same. 4 TWO Dollars li I Staff Correspondence of The Morxixo Stw.

Betrinnins at a stake on the westrW side of Interest in Canadian matters was a good deal excited here last week by a visit from one of the editors of the Toronto Empire, a Dominion Government orgin, apparently sent here specially to investigate whether or not the editor of the Toronto Mail had been propagating annexation sentiments in the minds of the Hoar committee in order to induce them to report adversely to intimate trade relations, because eticb relations would postpone political union. The Empire man interviewed several senators on the Committee on Canadian Relations and, much to the surprise of the Dsmc-cratic members, they learned the fact that City houcitor lurner was instructed to pre Oranira street, between JKIeventh and "Twelfth gams get 101a 01 uic ppcis. Jan. Xhe CoBrt Error9 and stree thedUtancc of bl feet from the south- pare all the necesary papers granting the right way from the Water Deptrt'nent, Vsrn liL-plv thfrf nPVPr a Appeals met in regular session this morning, J. I all rlv of the indfrea betncr on the bench, it Staff Correspondence ot Tut Mobnikq News.

Dover, Jan. 21 George S. Dill, who escaped from Dover jil on Thanksgiving night, is again behind the bars heie. lie arrived in Dover this morning, coming down on the midnight express. The prisoner, whose trial and crime created such a sensation, was in the I ark Commission to the Mreet and aew mention OI the One yOU re was tne general impression here yesterday Department for the proj)0ed intercepting erlysideof Twelfth street, being a comer cf land conveyed to 1 Trusty; thenre with said Trust v's line westerly parallel with Twelfth street Hi) feet to a stake in other laud of James Ciuibv; thence southerly parallel with Orange street i feet to George Hamilton's line: tbeuce therewith easterly paraiiftl with Twelfth Ftreet 80 feet to the said side of Orange street; and thence therewith 16 sewer.

Waiting for, just as likely that 'hat the l.h case against the Levy Court of New Castls county would be ren- A general discussion as to sewers ensued. charge of Henrv Fennimore, son of the lis ilClc Ail uic sauic. i uerea to-aay. mere was, However, out Mr. Gawlhrop thought that the entire sys very small attendance in the court room.

sheriff, and W. D. Walls of this town. A. representative of The Morning New tem should belong to the Street and Sewer Edward 1- arrar, editor of the Mail, had been before the Republican members in secret ses Absolutely Pure.

in company with Detective Iintchins of the The time of the court was taken np in minor cases. A few minutes before 1 2 o'clock Chancellor Sanlsbnrv announced that "The Department, bhipley street sewer as mentioned particnlarlv as one which the depart Table Linen. sion, and that the information thus received. Th! terwrter never varlea. A matvel of cnHtt leet to tee puws of negiDmng, ontaimng lVO feet of laud more or less, Book Volume 13, page 343, ete.

Seized and taken in execution as the property of dohu H. Walker, administrator of William def-feris, deceased, and t. and to be sold by Delaware dame 1'rotective Association, vis ment should own, it extending from Tenth ctrength and More economiou ited the jail this afternoon. The corridor was court will render a decision in the case of 'I Don't Know How to Pronounce His Name' filled with prisoners and small boys. street to the Christiana.

On motion of Mr. Gawtbr.ip the engineers which does not form part of the recoTd, has not been conveyed to the Democratic members. "Considerable feeling has been engendered 2-inch Bleached Damask at -roc a yard. Compare it man ice oral nary itmaB, na can no ue uiam competition with the multitude of low ttt, short weight alam or phosphate powder. Sold oulv in cftiu.

Royal Bajsiho Fowdks Oourjurr. No. "Rob" Allen, the notorious colored crook, vs. Serick F. Sballcross and others during the AlAJ A1jJL.J, Minri.

Shsflffa Oflice, Wilmington, diUiuary 8, 1m0. j8 eodfit who escaped with Dill, was walking np and were instructed to add to the sewer map all sewers built by the Street and Sewer Depart present term of conrt Itt3 Wfcll ttreet, N. Y. down the corridor whistling a merry tune and ment. The decision is expected to be given to morrow afternoon.

seemingly as nappy as a lark. with Damask anywhere else. Only one fault store tossed. Perfectly sound soods, SHHRIFF'S 8AI.K. BY VlKTl'HK OF A writ of AJs.

Levari Facias, to 1110 dirrtei, will be exited to public sale at the Court Bouse Various opinions are being expressed here On the second floor of the jail is a small cell about half way down ike tier. Behind The last annual reportof the chief engineer for the year just ended was laid over. A part of the report concerns work done for City as to what will be the outcome ot tins case in- on Market street, Wweeu Tenth and Kleventh streets, iu the city of Wilmington, the bars, seated on a cot, was the innch- ws t'ouneil, while the remainner concerns wors talked-of George S. Dill. The was a crowd ill be will without any Of the hard Starch volving the constitutionality of the tax la The prevailing idea is that the judges finish that seems to mean wear divided iB thejr opinions.

done for tne btreet and hewer Department, of boys and men standing in front of the Don't you wmt a cheap pair of Pantaloons? We have just finished and put in stock several lots of our own make which we had intended making up earlier and selling for more money, but did not get them made up until now and we want to move them. They are stylish in cut, well made and trimmed and no one would ever suppose you had bought them for such a price. Plenty of better ones to the finest, all low-in price. A big lot of Boys' Suits, sizes 9s, 10s and us. Short Pants at half price.

Jas. T. Son, Tailors 6th Maibet, Clothiers, Wilmington. ON THURSDAY, THE 23i DAY OF JANUARY, I8M), At 2 p. hence each body thinks the other body should prisoner's door conversing with Dill.

between the two sections of the committee in consequence. The representative of the Empire apparently perfectly satisfied himself that the Republican members had been greatly influenced by the representations from the Alail office, that anuexation was only a (juestion of time if reciprocity were denied and if the existing complications were allowed to create the irritation natural to their continuance." Wasuixotos, Jan. 21. The Toronto despatch which states that Mr. Farrar, a Canadian newspaper man, had been before the Republican members of the Senate Committee on Relations with Canada in secret session and influenced them in opposition to the AFTER A PARDON trength ol To-day.

avs. rises. SKIS. 7 o'clock 17 inmate. 5 o'clock 07 rulntttfB.

MOON. KISKS. SKTS. 8 47 o'clock m. 7.11) o'clock p.

m. High Water To-day. A. M. P.

V. Ivet Kitt's Hammock ii.M 11.11 Dill greeted Dotective liutcuins pleasantly. print the report. In the absence of Secretary T. Leslie Carpenter Mr.

Gavithrop acted as Governor Biggs was in town this afternoon, Tlie following described real estate, Dill is nearly six feet in height. He is a blonde, and of a rather heavy build. The A large delegation appeared before him asking that he pardon William J. Rathel of Camden, who is now confined at the Dover jail, secretary. News About Town.

aii mat certain tract or arcel ot land situate In New Csptle hundred, emtmy of New Cattle ami State of lelaware. more particularly hounded and descrilK-d as follows, to wit: prisoner quickly offered his guests the only chair he bad. He looked careworn and baring been convicted last April and sen It is the current report about town that Kemp's lining in the centre 01 the public road from New Castla to Delaware Citv. a corner Detective Iintchins remarked that. Dill must have fallen away twenty live pounds during the past month.

This statement the prisoner tonced to three years imprisonment for having committed an assault upon Howland SliiHin. Fort Iean ll Vi'JZ Mouth ot Ctirtutian, 1.3-3 Wilmington Mtt for premises and lands of (ieorir Tvlnmt Balsam for the Throt and Lungs is making some remarkable eures with people who are troubled with Coughs, Sore 'JTiroat, Atitliiua, Itrontihitia and Samuel (inthrie and 31 ark M. Cleaver, and but don't. Bleached Fringed Tablecloths, 24 yards long, wish doylies to match, $3.75. A fair price for just the 84 yards of fine open work around each cloth would be Same grade cloth, 3 yards long, $4,25.

Finer quality, two rows open work, $4 for 24 yards: $4.4 for 3 yards. Speeches were heard in lavor ot tue paroon running thence wouth with a new line with land. denied, saving that he was taeliag very well Commercial Union bill, in order to force annexation, was shown this afternoon to Senator Hale, a Republican member of and a lengthy petition was presented in his and Consumption. Any druggist will give you a of Outline and Mark f. Cleaver te Dill was in a very talkative humor and Closing Quotations.

stone a corner for these premises ai land: of behall. told the story ot his esc)e asn ol bis wan- trial bottle tree of coit. It is guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottle are Wic and $1. OOEBBCTfcD BY FLLIOTT, JOHNSON STOCK buinuel iiuthrie and Mark M.

Cleaver, thfcnc north with lands of Samuel tiuthrie and Mark deriugs. In answer to the questions of the OOMMIW8ION UROKKKS. the committee. The senator said that the story was sensational and absurd. lie" emphatically denied leaver to toe centre of a water course in a PEESOXAI ASM The lion.

YV. 1'. Biggs was in town to-day. Ex Secreta'V of state W. F.

Causey was in reporter Dill told a story aUmt a follows: Wilmington. Jan. 21. The market showed swamp, thence with aid water course south in its After using Ely's Cream Balm two months 1 was He was coufioed in a cell on the tivt door more than its usual strength to-dav. )ut at the to rind that the right nostril, was various meandering' and wm tlie lauds of Samuel Cuthrie and Mark Si.

Cleaver to the centre a town to-dav ereetms his manv friends, there was li net London trading that the Republican members of the commit- tee had heard any one in secret session, and said that there had been no secret sessions so rkM for twenty teai, opsu aim free rs the large ditch, a bMibdarr for these premises and was etiong ana iugber ana tne niroition ot Humors are bains circulated ot a Dig pom ier, ami can iiis it uou I could ot ao fur trailers is veering to tne Dmi fnte, opening prices lamlr? of tieorge 'A. Tylntnt, thence north with cen cal pow-wow that was held iast Sunday near were 11x0112. ehowini? advances of lL ier fent. tre ot saia ditch to a fence 011 the line bet een Still finer Cloth, with doy this place. It is said that the meeting was in far as he knew.

Continuing, he said that Mr. Farrar, of the Taronto Mail, bad been in nirti'V jut, lee very uianKiui it. r-Kt'rifcliA'ii. No. 275 Eighteenth street, Brooklyn, xvews wj unimportant ana tKaturjiss, excepting these premises and Hands of George Z.

TvIkmiI a lew retwrts ol increased earning. Trading was the interest ot the iteyaokis boom lor gov thence north with said lands of George 7.. Tvbout lies also open worked, $5 for ashington for some time past, and he impn.vpd in tone and seemed to indicate better lial ta.ste, uni-leaeant breath an. 1 impaired hear to the centre of the public road leading from New ernor having, oil whs more active, semii? li1 a Cast le to City, ami thence north with 2 yards; $5. so tor 3 yards of the jail.

It was 6.10 o'clock in the evening when he found the door of his cell and the door of the jail open. course he would not say who opened the door, lie then met Allen in the corridor, ami the tw walked ont of the jail entirely unmolested. Dill wain his stocking feet, and he carried hi shue in his hands. When they had left the til the twain rapidiy made their way around the rear of the building, and catting acn the fields made tracks tor the Delaware railroad. At Hayes's Hill Allen left Dill.

The former went toward the Maryland line, while Dill Mr. Reynolds is making an active canvass Many houses are bullish on this product the centre 01 said road to the place of be2iiiuir.e. in out Sussex. (Senator Hale) bad spoken with him on the subject of trade relations. Mr.

Farrar was a pronounced annexationist ami he (Hale) had for years believed that annexation was ouly a on account 01 tne steady decrease 111 product. All sorts of Linens are limp containing within these metes and bounds 110 ing, when resulting irom cararru, are overcome by the ue of Ely's Cream Balm. It in not a liquid or and is easily applied. Price 50 cents. All druggists.

There promises to be a lively fight among acres of land, be the same more or less, ith TC4H lOfiD.A R.Grande,P'fd ing on the same foot, dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property r-ria ij. dz Btf the hungry Democrats of the county concerning the nomination for sheriff. Frank Temple of Kenton wants the nomination, while Amos "Featiua Lento." Women's Hosiery. N.

T. N. England 45 E.T.,Va.AOa. Com. Lake Shore 104'; K.T., 2d P'd 2h- O.O.

O. Hi Louis. 20-0. N.W..0 lUiU Manhattan Cons. ..101 O.Ja rtf ITlrrlnrrt-rtn mm hA wnr.lll likft tfl This is an old Latin motto, which, transla vi tojwpu Damuuv, anu im oju ny AL AN A LlJiX, Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office, Wilmington, -I muarv 7. 1HH0. LUCkllV for VOU there Were have the office. Mispillion hundred claims ted, mentis "Make haste slowlv." hen men kept on down the Ueiaware railroad. Just Pacific H.

V. Toledo. 21 before reaching Wyoming Dill noticed two are sick they try to tind some medicine which HEKIrr a SALE 11Y VIRTUE OF A en rpn tne omce. ot the West. Union St.

L. 8. Com 16 10,000 pairs 50 UL 111 IV W1V writ of levari Facias, to ine directed will H. II. Ward and Walter H.

Hayes, men up tne track. At hrst he mis-I will cn re them right up and send them out St.Paul wu-j'Ht. L. A S. BV pfd.

be exposed to public sale at the Conrt House Black Cotton Hose at 15 cents. ouu xj. at irt' pected that they might be after htm. He re-1 the next day to woik. That can't be done solved to them a tussle and not allow I unless at a fearful cot in the future.

The Mich. Cen tO.K. NaT iml and Deputy Attorney-General Thomas Davis of Wilmington were in town to-day on legal business. Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. In the city of Wilmington, New Castle question of time.

Senator Dolph, also a Republican member of the committee, joined in the denial that there had been any secret sessions of the Republican members, and said that he knew of no bad feeling being engendered between the Republicans and Democrats on the committee. He also knew Mr. Farrar and had talked with him respecting trade relations between the United States and Canada, as lie had freely with any one who knew anything of the subject and who cared to talk about it to him. The chairman of the committee. Senator Hoar, and Senator Allison, the only other Republican members of this committee, are not now in Washington.

union acine. iviC.Bur. himself to be captured. He sp-jke to the men I true way is to gradually strengthen the nerves Central Pacino 34i, At.Toi. Santa Fe 31 coumy, ON SATURDAY, and the latter passed on without Riving the and tune np the general pystem by reasonable One day (like yesterday) didn't end them.

Maybe today won't. Not safe to chance Mo.Paoiflo N. PaciCeCom lEOISlATtVE COMMITTEE MKETS. The Legislative Committee, comprising an. 74', Texai and Pacific fleeing prisoner anv trouble.

Detween tola I recourse to proper remedies, the best ol which S. ii. STAATS, N.J. Con THE 25tii DAY OF JANUARY, 1990. 21 N.

PaelfloiPrefd. P. St Reading and t'elton the south-bound passenger train I fo Dr. ilenlev's Celerv, Beef and Iron, the 1KI L. Del.

Hud. passed Dill greatest builder-np mown ol debilitated Senators Dorman and Croesan and Representatives Maull, Eckles and Clark, held a meeting here to-day, all the members being At 2 o'clock, p. in. The fallowing described real estHt, viz: j.ju1 auey ri' 32" Kay r.i (In that night went the escaped prisoner St.P.S systems. it if you want any.

Muslin Underwear. ri All those two certain lots or parcels of land with a brick store, brick dwelling and stable L.4 Com. Hi present with the exception of Representative Maull. It was late this afternoon when the Make No Mistake. If you have made np your iSatl.

Lead Trusu. 405 Market Street, IS THE 31 tnereon ereeteo, situate the citv of Wilming sugar J'run 54 ind to buy Hood's Sarpaparilla do not be induced committee finally met in session. The trou ton, J.ew Castle county. bounded aud Rain or shine, the quick K. Texas Hi' Crude Oil 107U until lie reached the barn ol a Inend near Harrington.

He had 550 in his pocket. The remainder of the night Dill stayed with his friend near Harrington. He stayed in the barn of his friend through Sunday. Monday Dill again continued his flight. He moved to titV any other.

Hood's SarsaiariUa is a peculiar uecriDeu as toiio to wit: Y. M. C. A. MEETING.

ble was caused by the contest for the clerkship of the committee. The two candidates eilicine, poisestiiig, by virtue of its peculiar buvincr sroes on and the ino one uegiuiimg at ine southwest corner CHICAGO CLOSIXO O.COTAT10IH ot ticam and 1 otsiell streets, tueiwe southerlv combination, i.roiortion and preparation, curative Best Plane to Buy for this position were rank helen.tne news WHEAT I uly, 7--4. CORN ihireh, June. Last Much Business at the Meeting power superior to an other article of the kind be along the eswrly side or lleald street 40 feet to a comer. thnee westerly and parallel wilh quick bargains.

Fine Table China. towards the east, down the railroad track to Georgetown. Near Georgetown he was passed paper correspondent, and James Hughes, a law student in the ofiice of ex-Secretary of fore tlie people. For all affections arising troiu loiKieu sirc3i iiiz icet.ii inches, 1 hence north nipure llod or low mate of tlie system it is un- Local Stock (Quotations. bv a tram on waica was uetective llutchins Statu James L.

Woloott. The three Demo- eftiaued. lie sure to noou a. Heald bankers and brokers, furnish tl erly and parallel with Heald street 40 feet to the southerly side of Lobdell street, thence with the same easterly 1 2 feet, fi inches to the place of beginning, be the c.nients thereof what BeSt makes half DriceS and cratic members held a caucus this morning The latter claimed he saw Dill running down along the track. From this point Dill changed following quotations for local stacks: TTT1 1 1 1 lfl lUB U11IVB Ui VUlUUCi A.

WHCl. iwm Evening. The members' monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association was held in their rooms. No. 1007 Market street, iast night.

The occasion was one that will he remembered by those who were present as one of pleasure and profit. During the business session the following were admitted to active Atked A Thriving Part of Town. leSS. Wnyr UrOKen Sets. I h(iiir in session an hour the members of the his course toward Maryland.

He went to Greensborough, travelling by foot day and tney may. So. Beginning at fie corner formed li the intersection of the southerlv si.lA National of First bank Legislature came out and mournlully Creston lots are selling more rapidlv now Plates, cups and saucers, cov osiery, Gloves AND Piteririo Underwear For Laties, Gents and Children. During January we alwavs Central National Bank announced that thev had not than ever. This is an excellent sign, and Lobdell street at (10 feet wi.le and the easterly r.t 1 r.

night until he came within a short di.stance of that place. He then met his wife and some friends. He passed the night there, and the vet agreed. After dinner the shows how Keoide appreciate a good thing. National Bank of Wilmington and Briinuywine Union National Bank 71" 4 ill1 2 110'i Democrats apain caucused ia front of ered dishes, etc.

Art Embroidery. our new houses are lust being commenced. somncny said side ot Townsend street 20 feet to a stake, thence easterly aud parallel with Lolidell street, list ftmt. membership: Kichard 1. lhx, Cal via C.

Thomas, David W. Harlan. Edward B. Lynch, next morning Wednesday) he was dnveo to Farmers' Basik (jiteenstown, where he took the steamer for James 11. Applebr.Andrew J.

Taylor.Charles Security Trust Safe Deposit A man's wifesliould lie the same, espee the First National Bank. A short time afterwards Representative Eckel came down to General Kenney's office and informed him that Whelan was the man. Baltimore. 11. Walter, Walter U.

Drake, Charles If. Co Delaware Iia.ilroai northerly and parallel with Townend street, 20 feet to the aforesaid sidecf Lolnlell gtreet, and thence thereby westerly 100 feet to the place cf beginning, be the contents thereof what they Utily to her husband, but if she is weak and nert Gray, John 11. Cole, Herbert Polhill, Dr. Wilmington and Noithem R.R. End of things got for the holidays.

Partly finished designs on Felt, and in most vou and uw Carter's Ii-on riiis. sue cannot be, make a Great Reduction in Odd Lois of Hosiery, Frederick G. Kitchie. The session was taken tp in the examina v. limii.Kton (las Co ss may.

Dill stayed in Baltimore the entire day. Thursday morning he left on the boat Virginia for Norfolk. Friday he took the train for Weldin and then he went to Raleisb. N. for they mxke her 'feel life a different person, To associate membership Robert C.

Stock, Wilmington City Klectrie Seized and taken iu execution as the nronert tion of the accounts of Sti te Treasurer Her at least go they all say, aud their husbands say so equitable U. T. Co of Amos A. tastbm'u aud ilarv his wife bert, which were found tcbe in excellent con tool cases the materials are attach Charles 11. Davis, Harry C.

Chandler, Leonard H. Pvle, William Shepheard, William and flohn Easlburn. and to be sold bv C. From there on Saturday he went to Salis dition. A svnopsis of the report is as follows: burr, N.

C. Here he met a red-whiskered Those unhiwy wiio from norrons- ed with which to complete AJS ALLKX. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Wilmington, Jauuarv sun. flKNKRAL lixn.

Lindell, Kobert P. Edwards, J. K. Bailey, Frank W. McDowell, John W.

Bambcr. man who claimed to know him. Diil stRved iiess Bii'l dyspepsia shonM Little Balance in treasury 64.048 18 STltAIN. In this eitv. on the ILiih inst-Ant them.

Prices arc ess than 31-im- at Salisbury until Monday, the second week Nerve Iills, which, aro maJe expressly for sleep- Keceipn Isajte Strain, 77 years. in December. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTCE OF A WRIT of euiliiioni EiponHS, to me directed, will be Sustaining The liev. K.W.Long, the r.ev.

Frank T. Benson, Professor M. Heath. The association has now a membershin les. nerr.jup, dyspeptic sutferere.

I't iee, 25 cent i ulevss, Underwear, Hoods, etc. S. K. STAATS, No. 405 Market Street, WILMINGTON, DF.LAWARF,.

Kelatives and menus are resnectfullv invited to half cost. a Monday he went to Vernon, N. and atiend the 1 nueral from his late residence, So. all druggiftp. 60 55 exijsetiio pnonc sale, at ine court House on Jiarket street, between Tenth and Eleventh Kar-t Seventh street, on Thurfdav.

the at then to Cleveland. Jueuay found him at Charlotte, lie staved here a week and during of 250 and it is the intention of the members to raise this number to 500 by May 1 next. ireeis, in ine eny or umingtcn, Sew Caitl Disbursemeuis Balance in Eves examined free of charge Professor clock. 1 uterment at Old Swedi Cemetery. MACKEV.

Ju this citv. on 'M. 1SW. Dec. 31, that time passed an examination as a school Weii, No- Market street- Amelia Mackey.

widow of Nicholas 11. Mackev. Table Covers Table Mats Sofa Pillows ight Dress Cases Bracket Lambrequins Table Scarfs Slipper Cases Felt by tite yard for Lainbreinins teacher. He was offered a position as a school agod 7s year. services at SUJIarys Church on Wednalav Angostura Uttttrs should And a place in every ON THURSDAY, THE 21i) DAY OF JANUARY, 1S90, At 2 o'clock, p.

m.t The following described real estate, vi. school rixn. Balance in Keceipts I Dec. Jl, morning, January at 10.33 o'clock. Burial at 74 bousehoi'L The bcrt eure for indigestion.

Manu teacher at a salary of i60 per month. As he had to give a certificate of the former place where he tanght, Dill declined the position. During this time he was travelling under the hlklon. factured bv llr. .1.

G. B. S'egerfc Sons. All HKKTINK In this citv. on the 21st inManf Hair Brushes.

sun ,553 01 A lot of land Iwginnii at a stone in a line of drugi3ts keep them. Gazelle H. daughter of Frederick li. and Clara aged years and 10 nioutlis. name ot George ltewetc.

lanu oi i-eier r. carngan, between Third aud Fourth street and Madison aud Monroe street. .8 Everyone warranted all bristles, quarter to Saturday Dill went to the gold mines and PORTEB In tbi eitv. on the 20th iusijinr Disbursemeut Balance in treasury Dec. .11, Tm: DiscoMroar and the worry of aud at the distance of 70 feet northerly from James W.

Porter, son of Klizabeth and the late ft Constant Cough and the Soreness of I.ungs and Kobert R. Porter, aged 33 yeais. he remained tor some lime working ai a miner. After remaining two weeks near Yadkin the miners suspended operations for 10i 555 01 lucumiucrij pine ui mini sireei: toeuee northerly along said Carrigan's line parallel with Madi sou street feet to the side of a 6 feet wide allcv It is oniy necessary tor each member to bring in one new name to accomplish this. After the business session the general secretary, J.

K. King, who had just returned from the Hagerstown convention, gave an interesting report of the proceedings. He stated that the session had been productive of much good to the delegates, and, among other things, that four new associations had been reported in the district since the last convention. The state committee had asked the association for 42,500 for the present year, and that oa Saturday morning they had received pledges from associations and from members of the convention for the sum of $1,998. Delaware was admitted to the state organization and the state executive committee was increased from fifteen to eighteen members, and that Charles Baird, the president of the city association, had been hail on: 8 rows bristles, 1 1 rows bristiep.

2rc 1 1 rows bristtles, 4m: 13 rows fiusela bristles, 61V 8 rows bristles, solid back, 4f) 11 rows Uristies, solid bai-k, Thrwt hich usnally attend it, are all remedied by lr, -layne's Katpectorant, a safe medicine for tl ence along said alley side westerly parallel with a time and Dill determined to go to Ken giSKixo Balance iu Keceipts Dec. 31, 188S. 8.271.5ft Pnlmotiary disorders and Throat An eel ions. tncky and engage iu the horse business. AT.

of this time he had been regularly receiving 1 bird street 32 feet to a Hue of land of Henry Davis: thence along said Davis's line southerlv parallel with Madison street feet to a line of other land of the said John P. Duncan, Daniel McElwee and Charles McBruie: thence along the WM.B. SHARP rS CO. Pictures and Frames. letters from His wile.

VAHIETIK3. After leaving the mines the fugitive went Disbursens -w 4.428.14 You can save a pretty penny rec. 10 to Stewartsville, Virginia, on his way to Ken Balance in treasury 10,018 43 Portland cement, cement, eal same easterly parillel with Third street 2 feet to lhe place of beginning, be the cements thereof what they may, with the use aud privilege of the tucky. Stewartsville is a very pretty dace eined plaster, at Warner a. Bay them.

on a great variety of Artotypes, Balance Dec. 31, H.44t.57 aL'v, iu uuvuni mtv iucoiuuiou iorever. Seized and taken iu eiecmion as the proiiertv and Dill determined to remain there a few days. One evening Dill went to the post office and got two letters addressed to George i hotographs, and frames: MOURNING FABRICS. Jkfcr 53.1116 05 15,4 jH 71 Lee coal boms well, eooki well- 01 Marina laylor, aiimx.

of John Taylor, de- (leneral Fond School Fund Sinking Fur.4 Artotypes of many interesting subjects. Lee coal. Warner's. 10,01.43 liewett. As he lelt the jst oriice JJill saw size Jifxs lBcnes, in uecoratel oak ceaseu, ouu to ue soi'i Dy ALVAN ALLEN, Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office, Wilmington, January 6, Ikki. Frames, with tine quality glass, reduced two men enter and inquire if any one had got letters for Hewett. The fugitive then started Job printing received at this oflice. irom .5 Great variety of Cabinet Photograph Balance in the sayeral banks belonging to QHERIFF' SA I.E. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT GET IT I The Blue Book of Trade Marks A WOI1K FOR EYERY MANUFACTURER, INVENTOR, MERCHANT, and BUSINESS MAN.

In fact an interesting book for anyone's perusal. Over 1400 illustrations showing: the trade marks of as many articles, invaluable to any inventor or manufacturer seeking anew-trademark or design. Many hints given. The Trade Mark law fully discussed. Sold only by the publishers.

Sent postpaid on receipt of $1.00. POND RAYMOND, the school fund, not dtatnbnted, is as follows: away as fast as he could go The mea came out and a flight lasting for several days began. Frames at 3o to third and half of former prices. Henrietta, Ooinreut Cloth, Trtcotine, Merviileux, Cashmere. Kud'i VeiiiDg.

Drap Aluubf Sateens, KJ 01 uevari racias, 10 me directed, will lie ex Brazilian Clairette, KhMlamefl, Armuro, Satin d'LTon, Cudine Cloth, Priitcetta, Satin Jjmor, Loaiaenne, Balm cures colds, rheumatism poseu 10 puunc sale, at lhe Court House. Panel Photographs of a wide range of sub It was an exciting chase in that wild and fevers. Fanners' Bank at New Castle Farmers' Bank at Dover Farmers' Bank at Georgetown Jiarket S'reet, between TV nth and Klcrent jects. New goods. to about elected a member of the state committee for two years to represent Wilmington and the State of Delaware: also that district organizations had been effected, and that the Eastern district included Delaware and prt of Maryland, called the Wilmington district, with headquarters ia Wilmington.

Each one of these districts has an executive committee, who will arrange for district conventions. W. II. Savery reported that he had been present on Sunday at the convention, and gave an account of the meetings he had attended. After thf se reports X.

Hadley and Fred streets, in tue city of ilnnngton, New Castle monntaiuous region between the southwestern part of Virginia aud the eastern part of Ken Bay Bosh's Shenandoah coal. half prices. Kasels in oak, cherry, and other woods usually sold at 3 "go to A l. 50. 10,217 -J) CourUuld rapes, county, ueiawuro, ON THURSDAY, tucky, lhe two men, who were detectives Grot-Grain Total Grand lLasels ith folding racks and pictures are gave a hot chase.

They aroused a 'squire in 3H Warner's propellers for Philadelphia 111K 2ii) JJAl Ui JANUARY, 1890, North Side wharves, foot of Market street. the vicinity and as soon as possible all four men were after the Delaware man. This was marked down Core Bocks. At 2 o'clock p.m.. The following described real estate, viz: Knglthh Capitalists Want to Buy.

on Saturday nicht. He travelled all dav aud Tlie Best BM Goods to My. Tie Best Black (Ms to wear. The Best ASuOitei here. Bush's coal is full weight.

All that tract of land, with the buildings thereon, situated in Brandywine hundred. New night. On Sunday afternoon he hired a horse Newark, Jan. 21. The attempt of an Last week we told you of a number of books, illustrated from a colored man ana while the latter fol asue ciuiniy ana state or Delaware, bounded follows: lowed on foot Dill rode.

The pursners, Lee coal, North Side wharves. Beginning at a stone a comer of lar.d of WH. however, gained on the pursued, Fourth and Market Sts. and JJill was overtaken by lour armed men who demanded him to surrender, saying lmu wnsou; tlienee south 65 degrees, west 5 in perches to the middle of the creek road; thence norther.y along the middle thereof, to the line of lands now, or late of Edward Carpenter; thence by said Carpenter's land north 53 degrees, east Bti that 51500 reward wasonereo lor nis capture Bona Sons have clean, pate coal. Bay your coal at foot of Market street.

Money to loan on First Mortgage. They asked him where ho got his horse, but percues to a stone; inetice by said lands nortl Dill refused to say anything, and this led to 31 1-4 uegrees, west 6 10 perches to the midd! Se- 2aston sang a duet, "The Minute-gun at Sea." Earnest F. Keigwin recited "Sheridan's Ride," and Mr. Palmer recited "The Stigma." The members fang "From Greenland's Icy Mountains," and the meeting adjourned. Then came a little surprise from the reception committee, of which Robert Adair is chairman.

The committee served refreshments, and after a half hour of sociability the members departed to their homes, full of cake, lemonade and good humor. A series of receptions has been arranged to be given each moath from now to May 1. A series of lectures and practical talks will also be arranged for the members, to be given once or twice a month for the same time. of Ihompson road; thsnce along the middle Haven, ana. cority, Trust and Safe Deposit Company.

th ajensation of horse stealing. Dill was taken to a squire's and after lieing held was sent for the night to stay with a constable. THOMAS MITCHELL, Hard white ash coal. Warner'i, South Side wharves. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER Here he was closely guarded Dill, however, gained the confidence of the jailer and the latter conveniently allowed Dill to escaue.

AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER, The guard told him to run Bay yonr coal at French street wharf. Beet coal at Warner inereor 1 1 lanus now, or lata or Moses Palmer; thence by the same s' wih 7S degrees, east 30 3-1(1 perches to a stone in line of Pierce's same Lortuerly to lins of other lands of f. iid William Wilson and thence by the same south 53 3 4 1 west 1 1 4 erclies the place of beginning, containing 7'J acres, r.Kls and 34 perches of land more or less. Seized and taken Into execution as the prop, arty of tioorge Bright, administrator of James McAllister, deceased, Klizabeth McAllister surviving mortgagor ami Howard i'cAllister, Mary McAllister. Allied ItcAllisterand Henry McAllister, only children and heirs at law of dames Ale-Aliister, deceased, and to ba so'd by ALVAN A L1.S.X, Sheriff Sheriri'sOtece, Wilmington, January 7, No 412 King Street, Wilmington.

Del. by Gustave Dore, that because of lost boxes, and fingermarks and smirched gilding should go under price. They went in a day. Here's another lot, perfect, each in a good box, and at ninety-five cents each. 15ft Bible Callfrr tfl Dante's Iriferuo 45 Milton's Lost 20 Dante's Purgatory aiul Para.Iise Water Filters.

Easy enough to clear the water of the dirt that you can see and that you can't see. Hither a Jewett or a Gate City Filter will do. it. John Wanamakfr. one direction, but Dill went the wrong way and in his hasty flight he fell into a dark pit ten feet in depth.

He was rendered RESIDENCE. NO. 1106 MADISON STREET. Telephone 3 ii. J'iO-eod agent of an English syndicate to purchase the patent leather manufactories in Newark aud neighborhood is at present at a standstill owing to an inability to agree on prices.

The agent has secured an opinion on nearly all the manufactories in Newark and its vicinity. Negotiations weie begun last summer, but the aggregate of the options secured then exceeded the limit the English agent was prepared to pay and he returned home. He has since come back and renewed his attempt to complete a bargain by trying to scale down the options of the several manufacturers. The aggregate of the option secured amounts to many millions of dollars, and the Englishmen are prepared to pay millions of dollars for the interests at stake, but not quite so many as the owners want. Tkkxtox, 21.

Several of the potteries here have beeu sold to an English syndicate at a figure said to be SI, 400,000. Bi kfalo, N. Jan. 21. The projectors of foreign syndicates have turned their eyes upon the lake steamer lines out of this port.

A syndicate with headquarters in New York, as nearly as can be ascertained, is said to to have closed a bargain for all the vessels owned by the "lied ritack" Line, and propose to gobble np all the others that they can. The first installment of the money was to have been turned over yesterday, but it did not inch here. The seven vessels owned by fie "lied Stack" Line are valued at $737,000. Jan. 21.

An English syndicate has bonded the Portland Smelting unconscious and lay iu the pit for several hours. In the meantime the constable bad B. MARTIN, noticed the escape of his prisoner, and he im When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Whe-j she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, mediately gave pursuit. The constable's men scoured the neighborhood. When Dill re UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER.

OFFICE 605, RESIDENCE 607 SHIPLEY STliEBT. Telephone Call 13. Calls at night promptly attended to gained consciousness he found himself in a When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, helpless condition wuu nis tup oauiy lnjureu. He called for htlp and was soon discovered When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, SOME CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. No.

14ft; Van liuren. front and vivrdo, II roonia, ileiiiliit situation, elwtric Hgbu ilirongb-out and all other mo. em eoiiveiiieneM. Ow ner leaving city is reanou for tellinir. Southwest eorner Fourth and Market, an neel-ent store prorty, ai-d one of the Iwst stands lit the cry.

No. Wen street, 10 rooms and modern conveniences, lot feet. No. ni8 11 rooms, front and side yarns, 2 heaters and all convenience. HAWKINS NO.

IJ 31 IRKET NTIItKI'. bv tne constable men. He was now taken to Rocky Mount, a distance of forty miles, where he was safely Foaarty Is Coming. Reports have been circulated that Jack Fogarty, the famous middle weight lighter, will not appear in the wind-up at the Warren Athletic Club's exhibition at the Opera House to-morrow night. The following telegram received by the Warren Clnb from Jack Fogarty will allay all these fears: "Ati.asth"' City, January IS, 1890.

Will be on head with Kyan. Jack Fooaktv. Fogarty is now at Atlantic City and is going into training. lie has issued a challenge to Dempsey, Le Blanche and any other middle-weight who wants to meet him to fight for the championship of the I'nited States and a purse of J2.500. Campbell and Teese, who give one of the finest exhibitions of scientific sparring that can be seen anywhere, will also be present, and so will all the lodged in jail.

He still refu-ed to say anything. The detectives told him that he was HER1FF a SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT kj of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed, will be exosed to public sale at the hotel of Alexander in the tou of -Midlletown, St. Georges hundred.

an escaped prisoner from a Northern jail and SHERIFF'S V1RTUK OF A writ of Facias, to me directed, will Le exposed to publio sale at lhe Court House, on Market mreet, betneeu Tenth ami Klevenlh eiraeu, in lhe oil, ot Wilnli.gton, Sew Castle lieiaware, OX SATURDAY, THE 2.VTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1S90, At 2 o'elcek, p. The following described real estate, vt All that certain lot of land, with a two utorv fiinie dwelling thereon erected, knon nan No. 037 Jefferson street, rituftte in the tmd eitv of Wil-niingtou, bounded iui4 described foflowa, that ia toea Beginuhig on a point on tlie wwterly rt.Ie of Jefferson sueet, belween tUtii atd Muth streets, at the distance of i leet II inehea, ia-re or less, from the lontberlv ido of Ninth t.u.i. that a heavy reward was offered for his cap ture. Dill denied this until the men told him New Castle Personals.

Sieil Correspondence of The Mokxish that they were going to advertise him all through the North. Dill realized that the game was up. lie told the men that he was George S. Dill, and that he had Works and the onrtis shipyard property, and Loren.o Taylor, one of the principal owners, has gone to England to complete the sale of the property, which is to he enlarged escated from Dover ia 1. ord was imme CONSUMPTIOH other attractions advertised.

diately telegraphed to Sheriff Fennimore aud Dill was brought to Delaware to-dav. He thenee westerly aod i.arailel with Ninth nreet. i)j ON FRIDAY, THE 21ru DAY OF JANUARY, 1S90, At 10 o'elock, a. The following described real estate, viz: A'l that lot, piece or parcel cf land, situate, lying and bineg in Delaware City. Red Lion hundred, New Ca-tle county.

at the westerly corner of intou and Front streets, having a frontag on Cii'-ton street of 25 feet more or less, and extending back that idth northwesterly ar.d along the southwesterly de of Front street 100 feet more or less, ivith a tranie granarv erected 1 iiereon. Seized and taken in execution as lhe property of John C- Higgiitsand T.Thomas Price, administrators of S. Cleaver, df-oased, and to be aold by ALVAN A ILEX, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Wilmington, January 8, Iguy. j(i-eod6t savs that some one mnst have seen to whom scorn EMULSION CUBES SCROFULA BB0H0HIH3 COUGHS OOLBS his yrife was sending Utters, and in this way HAMMOND TYPE WRITER.

iwt vue e.eriy s.ue 01 mnsor tliene southerly along naid of Wim'sor ttreet ta feet; Ihene tiiterly ira! lei with Ninth utreet, feet to the afoieaat ti le of Jetlerson mret his whereabouts became known. by the syndicate. hey also bave bonded a camber of mines of zinc, lead and silver along the const of Maine, aad will bring large quantities of ore here for smelting. The syndicate is composed of practical miners who say Maine ore is mu; li richer than a large portion of that worked profitably in Scotland and England. The concern represents great wealth, and its operations are expected to benerit Poitlaud largely.

He stems to te thoroughly resigned to hi Xkw Castle, Jan. 21. John and David Cameron of Brooklyn, X. ate guests at the M. E.

parsonage. Messrs. Cameron rre cousins to Senator of l'ennsylvania. United States Consul William It. Black, formerly fjf this city, bat now of Nnremburg, Germany, is expected to arrive here next week for an extended visit to his old home.

The new choral society, which wag formed iu the old Conrt Hooiss last evening, promises to be a thrivingorsrauization. Thd society elected officers and will meet again on Monday evening next. Dr. Wiliiam 11. Knntx and family returned tonight from a yisit to Slatinstoo, where they have ben attenjing the funeral of a friend.

LOCAIj personal. ana tnenes ihereniili noriherly it; teettoth aitingBiseasea fate. pnwreoi oe the couttmts wht they In Favor of Fire pistricts. The striking of four alarms of fire at about the same time lst night seems to have converted many old firemen who were always opposed to the city being divided into districts. In conversation with Lineman Haley, of the fire alarm system, last night, he said that the city would now be districted.

He thought it verj tad management to see the entire department out at one end of the city aud a large fire raging at the other end. Deaths geizeil and taken in execution as ths prcpertv of tdward Meenan, and 1. 1. 8., and tobenold by A I. VAX ALI.TiN.

Shenff. Shentrs Offlej, Wiliainston, .140017 lwo. The following deaths were recorded it- Registrar Lee office veterdar: iintchins On January at Fourteenth I and West streets, Edward asjed 4 7 -rv---. lears. x.

Clark I la January 19, at -No. 4(id i'me street. Bernard Clark, 2b thus. e. Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained cue pound per day by its use.

Scott's i3mulsioii ia not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of tlie Hypophospliites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It ia used by Kiy-sicians all over ilia world; PALATABLE AS RSILK. Soldi ail Druggists. SCOTT 30WSZ, Cleaista, IT.

I. Mrs. Harriet B. Sclierg of Philadelpl ia i Old and young, rich and poor, all unite in testifying to the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp.

The Cashierl of the German Bank of Baltimore, August Weber, E.n, recommends Salvation Oil for prains and neuralgia. Ilertma On January 21, at hecond ana Rodman streets, Gazelle Hening, aged Proctor's Grand Opera House. "Passion's Slave" will be presented at the Opera House again this afternoon and evening. Friday and Saturday evenings the great nccess, "The Stowaway," will be presented. The play is well known by thp success it has had in other cities.

Its scenery is realistic and the company is said to be good. One of the featarbsof the piece is the opening of a safe by two reformed cracksmen of the first rank. Peajss' is the purest and best soap ever made. FOR CORLISS ENGINES, Hall Steam and Power Pumps, Horz. and Vert, enpmes, ail sizes Palleys, Shafting and Hangers, Boilers, Stacks, Tanks, Feedwater, Heaters.

Heaters and Sheet-iron Work, Brass Castings and Finished Brass Work, Repaart to Maehiner--, Boilers, etc, Address, REMINGTON MAGEuNB CO. VIWHSGTOK, DEL. years. 1. AFIER ALLOl'BKBS FAIL COSSUI.T DR.

L0B8, No. 329 N. Fifteenth St. Below CallowMll trt, Philadelphia. Tweni year' ezperieiiee in cpeeial Cme iu worst ciKranf Kervoim Oioiil.iinta, Htvoi fniwniuf, Blotchea, EnipMons, Oatarrh.

Chfr. Swires. Imtiaireit Memoir, lie lMniften. of Vision, I.utijf. Uvr, Stom-aeh, KidnviBrigtiff IMseatei, Ccns.uitatioii Free.

Tr-atrcent 8tritl i Owiiidential. CUargeH Gce hums: 10 to foreu.KMi 1 to 10, or write for ijiief lion list, alto on peeial dijeittet, d6-ly Hudson Un January 21, at o. iuus A street, John aged ai yeau. x. visiting here.

Mrs. L. A. II. Bishop of Dover was in this city yesterday.

Harry V. Lyons of Lewes, Del was in this fity yesterday. Mtn Mollis llooie of Baltimore is visiting frauds ia this city. Short-hand and Type-writing Tanght thoroughly at the Wilmington Commercial College, day and evening. Stndents gided to Tor Dry Good.

OB HALE OR KENT. Record 170 Words a Minute Perfect alignment, durable and portable. AUHitEI VANDISVEK, Agout, QUjtoa, Uol 8trbfidg ClothuM,.

The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.