Satoshi Kon On (2025)

1. Satoshi Kon Wiki | Fandom

  • Satoshi Kon was an anime director and mangaka from Kushiro, Hokkaido. He was well-known for his work on Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers ...

  • Satoshi Kon was an anime director and mangaka from Kushiro, Hokkaido. He was well-known for his work on Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika. Sadly, Kon passed away on August 24, 2010, after losing his battle with pancreatic cancer. He will be remembered by all who loved his works. Satoshi Kon was born on October 12, 1963. Due to his father's job transfer, Kon's education from the fourth elementary grade up to the second middle school grade was based in Sapporo. Kon was

2. Kon Satoshi — animator of unmatched talent - Engelsberg Ideas

  • Feb 2, 2023 · Kon Satoshi created all of his works, feature animation in Japan was mostly dominated by adaptations of manga, sequels of TV anime, or films produced by Studio ...

  • During the late 1990s to mid-2000s, when Kon Satoshi created all of his works, feature animation in Japan was mostly dominated by adaptations of manga, sequels of TV anime, or films produced by Studio Ghibli. His original and ambitious works stand out.

3. The Life, Work, and Legacy of Satoshi Kon | FSU Student Union

  • Mar 8, 2021 · Born on October 12, 1963, Satoshi Kon spent his youth in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Ever since middle school, Kon dreamed of being an animator. Growing ...

  • The FSU Student Union is a diverse and engaging community that fosters individual and collective learning by providing outstanding services and opportunities for involvement.

4. The Lost Projects of Satoshi Kon - Animation Obsessive

  • Aug 25, 2022 · Our main focus is on Kon projects where we have access to his concept art. They start in the mid-1990s and run through his time on Dreaming Machine, a film ...

  • Unmade animation, a video game and more.

5. Satoshi Kon (Author of Opus) - Goodreads

6. ‎Films directed by Satoshi Kon • Letterboxd

  • Satoshi Kon (October 12, 1963 – August 24, 2010) was a Japanese anime director and mangaka from Kushiro, Hokkaidō and a member of the Japan Animation ...

  • Films directed by Satoshi Kon

7. Satoshi Kon's Works

  • A collection of his short manga stories published between 1984 and 1989. Includes Toriko, Wairaand Joyful Bell. 2015, The Art of Satoshi Kon, Dark Horse Comics ...

  • in: Stub, Manga, Films

8. Satoshi Kon: Tribute to a great anime director - madara_blog

  • I learned this afternoon that Satoshi Kon has died. He was 46 (born October 12, 1963) and died of pancreatic cancer. Kon is famous for directing four ...

  • I learned this afternoon that Satoshi Kon has died. He was 46 (born October 12, 1963) and died of pancreatic cancer. Kon is famous for directing four Japanese animated theatrical features, PERFECT BLUE (1997), MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (2001), TOKYO GODFATHERS (2003), and PAPRIKA (2006). He also did the…

9. Ranking Satoshi Kon - The Hannie Corner

  • Jan 22, 2023 · I am going to be ranking his four major feature films and one TV series from worst to best (or more like “almost perfect” to “absolutely perfect”).

  • I love to share my opinions on the internet, and one of my favorite ways to do so is with a good, old-fashioned list. Therefore, I want to try out consuming all of the media from a director, author…

10. Satoshi Kon's unique vision or simply phantasmagoria of a surreal feast

  • Feb 15, 2023 · Satoshi Kon was an exceptional film director and animator with a very distinct & sinking into your soul artistic style and visual language.

  • Satoshi Kon’s Anime as cinematography

11. Fandom: Satoshi Kon - The Demented Ferrets

  • Jan 20, 2021 · In 1997, Satoshi Kon had built quite a name for himself. his reputation almost preceded him in the anime industry. His visionary skill would ...

  • His aspiration in life was to become an animator, but thankfully he blossomed well beyond that. In his career he was credited for being an animator, screenwriter, manga artist, and a director.

12. Satoshi Kon - Toatali Reviews

  • Apr 10, 2021 · It was mind-blowing for me because I saw Paprika years before Inception came out. While I know it's not 100% identical, there were things I noticed instantly.

  • This essay was not originally written for this blog, so the style might seem a little different. I’m currently busy with work so I’ve decided to lightly edit this and post it here. This…

13. Satoshi KON - Anime News Network

  • Satoshi KON ; Family name (in kanji): 今 ; Given name (in kanji): 敏 ; Date of birth: 1963-10-12 ; Hometown: Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan ; Date of death: 2010-08-24.

  • News: Show: 10 +13 +31 ref. +239 unverified

14. The Art of Satoshi Kon HC :: Profile - Dark Horse Comics

  • Aug 5, 2015 · Includes a special tribute from Darren Aronofsky! Director Satoshi Kon blazed a brilliant animation career before his tragic death in 2010 a ...

  • Includes a special tribute from Darren Aronofsky! Director Satoshi Kon blazed a brilliant animation career before his tragic death in 2010 a ...

15. Satoshi Kon's last words | Makiko Itoh : Not a nameless cat.

  • Aug 26, 2010 · They're the last words of a supremely talented artist who knows he is dying very soon, with work left unfinished.

  • Satoshi Kon, the director of anime movies Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Millenium Actress and Paprika, as well as the TV series Paranoia Agent, died on Tuesday, August 24th, 2010 at the age of 46. (NY Times obituary.) He left behind a rambling but extraordinary document, which his family has posthumously posted on his blog.

16. Satoshi Kon Documentary Embodies His Enigmatic Genius - Nerdist

  • Aug 18, 2021 · The documentary explores that through it, Kon examined themes of forgotten people and places, and forgiving others and yourself.

  • Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist is a thorough, yet still enigmatic, look at the life and work of an anime legend. Our review from Fantasia Fest 2021.

17. Satoshi Kon | Narrative In Art -

  • A Cluster of Interesting Thinking ... Satoshi Kon ... Satoshi Kon. Ann Le ... Rufi Cole ... Critical Reasoning ... 05 May 2011 ... The Art of Satoshi Kon.

  • Ann Le Rufi Cole Critical Reasoning 05 May 2011 The Art of Satoshi Kon Satoshi Kon was an up and coming young animation producer from Japan. What sets Kon apart from his fellow Japanese anime produ…

18. Modern Reality by SATOSHI KON - Desi Auteur

  • May 28, 2020 · For this essay, I'm considering Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika and his one minute short Good Morning.

  • The genius of Satoshi Kon really hit me when I saw the first two scenes of Millennium Actress. It is not only a lesson in editing but also in storytelling. I can easily say that it is easily of those moments of cinema for me, which made me skip a heartbeat. “The You in You isn’t the You You think is

19. Satoshi Kon Movies and Shows - Apple TV

  • Learn about Satoshi Kon on Apple TV. Browse shows and movies that feature Satoshi Kon including Paprika, Perfect Blue, and more.

  • Learn about Satoshi Kon on Apple TV. Browse shows and movies that feature Satoshi Kon including Perfect Blue, Paprika, and more.

Satoshi Kon On (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.